
Year 2025

Week # 3 Quiz 1

Q1. A power station generates 600 MW of electrical power which is fed to a transmission line. If the input voltage is 300 KV, then what current would flow in the transmission line?

Q2. A 3-phase, \(66kV\) power cable delivering power at 50 Hz, has a capacitance of \(0.2 \mu F/km\). If the dielectric loss tangent of cable is \(2 \times 10^{-4}\), then dielectric power loss in this cable in \(W/km/phase\) is _____.

Q3. A transmission line has a reactance of 1 Pu is operating at \(V_s = V_r = 1 p.u. \) The generator is connected at source end which is delivering 0.5 p.u. of active power and the transmission line is compensated with a series capacitance of 0.5 p.u. Find the load angle with series capacitance compensation?

Q4. Which of the following statements are true?

Q5. The per unit value of a \(1\:\Omega\) resistor at 100 MVA and 10 kV base voltage is _________.

Q6. If the reference bus is changed in two load flow runs with same system data and power obtained for reference bus taken as specified P and Q in the later run

Q7. A circuit breaker is rated 2500 A, 2000 MVA, 33 kV, 3 sec, 3-phase oil circuit breaker. Determine the breaking current.

Q8. For the circuit breakers, recovery voltage across the breaker poles depends on

Q9. Surge impedance of a line can be changed by which of the following compensation methods?

Q10. Generally, the bus impedance matrix is a …………….. Matrix and the bus admittance matrix is a ……………………… matrix.