
Year 2025

Week # 4 Quiz 5

Q1. In which type of wiring, semi skilled labour is required ?

Q2. The logical method of estimating for electrical works does NOT involve which of the following processes?

Q3. As per IS, the earthing electrode shall not be within a distance of ______ mtrs from any building being earthed.

Q4. Which of the following is NOT covered by Chapter IV under Rules 29 to 46 in the Indian Electricity Rules, 2005?

Q5. The objective of energy management includes

Q6. The grade of energy can be classified as low, high, extra ordinary. In case of electrical energy it would fall under ____ category.

Q7. Most substances are not magnets, because

Q8. Which is the most superior dielectric out of the following ?

Q9. On which of the following factors does hysteresis loss not depend?

Q10. Dielectric strength is normally expressed in