
Year 2024

Week # 3 Quiz 3

Q1. Under low level injection assumption, the injected minority carrier current for an extrinsic semiconductor is essentially the

Q2. A silicon transistor is biased with base resistor method. If \(\beta = 100, \:V_{BE} =0.7 V,\) zero signal collector current \(I_C = 2\: mA\) and\( V_{CC} = 10V\) , what is the value of the base resistor\( R_B\)?

Q3.  In voltage divider bias, \(V_{CC} = 25\: V;\: R_1 = 10\: k\Omega;\: R_2 = 3.3 \: k\Omega; \:R_C = 2 \: k\Omega;\) and \(R_E =1\: k\Omega\). What is the collector current?

Q4. An amplifier without feedback has a voltage gain of 100, input resistance of \(10\:K\Omega\) & Output resistance of \(3\:K\Omega\). The input resistance and output resistance of the voltage-series negative feedback amplifier using the above amplifier with a feedback factor of 0.6 is

Q5. For a transistor connected in common base connection, collector current is 0.95 mA and base current is 0.05 mA. Find the value of \(\alpha\):

Q6. The instantaneous operating point swings along

Q7. A non-inverting closed-loop op-amp circuit generally has a gain factor

Q8. A signal generator should have

Q9. An n- channel JFET has \(I_{DSS} = 2 \:mA\),and \(V_p = -4 \:v\). Its transconductance \(g_m\) in \((mA/V)\) for an applied gate to source voltage \(V_{GS} = - 2 V\) is

Q10. How many op-amp will ne required to implement this equation?

\(V_o =-\big [\frac{R_f}{R_1}V_1 +\frac{R_f}{R_2}V_2 + \frac{R_f}{R_3}V_3 \big ]\)