
Year 2024

Week # 3 Quiz 4

Q1. Reverse resistance of diode is of the

Q2. In case of RC phase shift oscillator, the frequency of oscillations is given by

Q3. For a transistor the value of \(\beta \) is 50, then the value of current gain is

Q4. An oscillator uses

Q5. The slew rate of Op amp is defined as

Q6. Minimize the given boolean expression:
\(A + B [AC + (B + \bar C) D]\)

Q7. What is the maximum decimal value that can be represented using 10 bits in two's complement notation?

Q8. The minimum number of 2-input NAND gates required to implement a 2-input XOR gate is _____ .

Q9. The hexadecimal number B6C7 is equivalent to decimal number

Q10. Convert the octal number \(345.67\) to its equivalent decimal representation.