
Year 2024

Week # 1 Quiz 2

Q1. In a two-source circuit, one source acting alone produces 20 mA through a given branch. The other source acting alone produces 15 mA in the opposite direction through the same branch. The actual current through the branch is

Q2. What is the active power consumed by a motor if the total power is 400 VA with 0.5 power factor?

Q3. The peak value of a sine wave is 200 V. Its average value is

Q4. The active power of 10W consumed by the pure resistive load (R=5 \(\Omega\)), what is its apparent power

Q5. For a step input the output of an integrator is

Q6. An AC voltage is given by the following equation:
\(V(t) = 4 \sin3t+ 8\sin 6t\). Calculate its RMS value.

Q7. The r.m.s value and mean value is the same in the case of

Q8. Two coils having self-inductance of 10 H and 15 H are connected in series aiding connection. Find total inductance of the series connection, if the mutual inductance between the coils is 2.5 H.

Q9. The Thevenin's equivalent circuit of a network has \(V_{TH}=30\:V\) and \(R_{TH}=4\:\Omega\). If load resistance is \(36\:\Omega\), find the load current.

Q10. Laplace transform is tool for converting