
Year 2025

Week # 2 Quiz 4

Q1. Consider two buses connected by an impedance of \(j2\Omega\). The bus-1 voltage is \(50\angle30^\circ\:V\) and bus-2 voltage is \(50\angle0^\circ\:V\). The real and reactive power supplied by bus-1, respectively, are

Q2. Calculate the protection trip time of the inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) overcurrent relay, according to IEC 60255 protection curves. Assume extremely inverse curve type, relay pickup current = 1kA, fault current = 10 kA and time-multiplier setting (TMS) = 1.

Q3. A string type insulator has \(4\) units with self capacitance \(C\) and shunt capacitance of \(0.3 \times C\). Find the string efficiency.

Q4. Consider a solar PV plant with the following specific conditions:
Analysis period\(: 1 \: year\)
Measured average solar irradiation intensity in 1 year\(: 120 kWh/ m^2\)
Generator area of the PV plant\(: 10 \: m^2\)
Efficiency factor of the PV modules\(: 15 \: \%\)
Electrical energy actually exported by plant to grid\(: 110 \: kWh\) Calculate the performance ratio.

Q5. A hydroelectric generating station is supplied from a reservoir with a capacity of \(5000000 \: cubic \: metres\) at a head of 200 metres and total energy available of \(2.044\times106\:kWh\) and water density \(=997\:kg/m^3\). Find out overall efficiency.

Q6. 100 km long transmission line is loaded at 110 KV. If the loss of line is 5MW and the load is 150MVA, the resistance of the line is

Q7. A transmission line is compensated with shunt capacitance \(C_{sh}\). If the uncompensated transmission line surge impedance is \(Z_s\), then find the new surge impedance \(Z_s ^{'}\) after shunt compensation.

Q8. Reflection coefficient of voltage \(R_v\) is, (\(Z_l =\) Surge impedance of load, \(Z_s =\) Surge impedance of line)

Q9. In a two plant system, the load is connected at plant 2. The loss co-efficients

Q10. For 66 kV lines, the numbers of insulator discs used are,