
Year 2025

Week # 4 Quiz 1

Q1. The Boolean expression \(\overline{A\cdot B}\) is used for _____ gate.

Q2. A single phase half wave rectifier is feeding a resistive load. When  \(\alpha = 0\), dc output voltage is 134 V. When \(\alpha = 45°\), the dc output voltage will be about

Q3. A single-phase full-bridge voltage source inverter (VSI) is fed from a 300 V battery. A pulse of 120° duration is used to trigger the appropriate devices in each half-cycle. The rms value of the fundamental component of the output voltage, in volts, is

Q4. A single-phase full-wave uncontrolled bridge rectifier is supplying aresistive load of 22 \(\Omega\), the load current is assumed to be smooth and ripple –free. If the supply voltage is 220V, 50Hz , Calculate the rms output current.

Q5. A dc voltage source of is supplying R-L load through an SCR with pulse width of \(100 \mu s\). Latching current of SCR is 100 mA in case load consists of R = 20 \(\Omega\) in series with L = 0.5 H.

Q6. A boost converter has input voltage of 5 V and it operates at 20 kHz. When the average output voltage \(V_o= 10\: V\) , the average load current \(I_o= 0.8 \:A\) . Determine the critical value of the capacitance C.

Q7. What are the states of the three ideal diodes of the circuit shown in Fig.?


Q8. The reverse recovery time of diode is \(t_{rr} = 3.5 \mu s\) and the rate of change of the diode current is \(di/dt = 20 A/ \mu s\). The stored charge \(Q_{RR}\) is _______

Q9. Which of the following diode has the least reverse recovery time?

Q10. In current source inverter (CSI), if the frequency of voltage input to CSI is 'f' Hz, then the frequency of the output voltage is_____________Hz.