
Year 2025

Week # 3 Quiz 4

Q1. In a JFET, drain current will be maximum when gate-source voltage is

Q2. The forward resistance of the diode will be

Q3. In a semi-conductor diode, the barrier offers opposition to

Q4. Voltage shunt feedback amplifiers are also called as

Q5. In a BJT forward characteristics, for normal function as an amplifier the BJT should be operated in

Q6. The minimum number of 2-input NAND gates required to implement a 2-input XOR gate is _____ .

Q7. The range of signed decimal numbers that can be represented by 6-bit 1’s complement number is

Q8. The output expression ‘F’ for the combinational logic circuit shown in Fig. is given by

Q9. The binary number 110001.101 is equivalent to decimal number

Q10. What will be the result of the reduction of the following Boolean expression?

\((B+BC)(B+\bar BC)(B+D)\)