
Year 2025

Week # 4 Quiz 4

Q1. If \( \phi (x, y, z) = x + y + z\), then \(\nabla \phi \) is

Q2. A signal \(x(t)=A\cos ⁡(\omega_0t+\phi)\) is

Q3. A signal is a power signal when the signal has

Q4. Euler’s identity \(e^{j\:\theta}\) is expanded as _____.

Q5. Which one of the following is not a PLC manufacturer?

Q6. In 8051 architecture, the transmit buffer of serial data buffer is a

Q7. If the status of the control lines S1 and S0 is LOW, then 8085 microprocessor is performing

Q8. NOP instruction is used to ______.

Q9. 8085 Address bus consist of how many bits?

Q10. Which one of the following register of 8085 microprocessor is not a part of the programming model?