
Year 2025

Week # 2 Quiz 5

Q1. A shunt reactor at 200 MVAr is operated at 99% of its rated voltage and at 97% of its rated frequency. The reactive power absorbed by the reactor is

Q2. The \(Y_{bus}\) matrix of a two-bus power system having two identical parallel lines connected between them in p.u. is given as
\(Y_{bus}=\begin{bmatrix}-j8 & j20\\j20 & -j8\end{bmatrix}\)
The magnitude of the series reactance of each line in p.u. is

Q3. If the real power flow through the uncompensated line is 1 pu and the degree of series compensation ‘K’ is 0.5, the power flow through the series compensated line is

Q4. A 10 A, Type C Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) will trip at fault currents

Q5. The Surge impedance of a 100km long underground cable is 50 Ω. The Surge impedance of a 40 km length of a similar cable would be

Q6. In a power system, the range of torque angle for which \(\frac{dp}{d\delta} \) is positive, lies between:

Q7. Which of the following buses is/are not PV buses?

Q8. Statement 1: The admittance matrix will be singular for a power system network which is not having any shunt element.
Statement 2: The admittance matrix will be non-singular for a power system network which is not having any shunt element
Which of the aforementioned statements is true?

Q9. Which is correct, when the diversity factor of a plant is increases?

Q10. Which of the following statements are true?