
Year 2025

Week # 3 Quiz 3

Q1. The v-i characteristics of the diode in the circuit shown in the figure is given by
\(i = \begin {cases}\frac{v-0.7}{500}, & v\geq 0.7 V\\0, & v < 0.7 V\end{cases}\)
The current is the circuit in mA is

Q2. If \(\alpha = 0.98\) , \(I_{C} = 5 \: mA\) and \(I_B = 100\: \mu A\) for a transistor, then the value of \(I_{CO}\) will be

Q3.  In voltage divider bias, \(V_{CC} = 20\: V;\: R_1 = 10\: k\Omega;\: R_2 = 3.3 \: k\Omega; \:R_C = 3 \: k\Omega;\) and \(R_E =1.5\: k\Omega\). What is the emitter voltage?

Q4. Find the output voltage in the following circuit:

Q5. Which of the following is not necessarily the advantage of a push pull amplifier?

Q6. An pulse width of retriggerable monostable multivibrator can be controlled

Q7. A non-triggerable monostable multivibrator has \(R_{ext} = 10\: K\Omega\) and \(C_{ext} = 0.01 \:\mu F\). It’s pulse-width will be

Q8. In the feedback network shown below, if the feedback factor k is increased, then the

Q9. Find the minimum input voltage required for the following voltage regulator circuit with output voltage of 10 V if minimum Zener current is 0.5 mA.

Q10. The lower critical frequency of a direct-coupled amplifier with no bypass capacitor is