
Year 2025

Week # 3 Quiz 3

Q1.  In voltage divider bias, \(V_{CC} = 25\: V;\: R_1 = 10\: k\Omega;\: R_2 = 3.3 \: k\Omega; \:R_C = 2 \: k\Omega;\) and \(R_E =1\: k\Omega\). What is the collector current?

Q2. In the circuit shown below, the knee current of the ideal zener diode is 10 mA. To maintain 5 V across \(R_L\), the minimum value of \(R_L\) in ohm and the maximum power rating of the zener diode in mW respectively are

Q3. In the differential voltage gain & the common mode voltage gain of a differential amplifierare 48db & 2db respectively, then its common mode rejection ratio is

Q4. A dc power supply has no-load voltage of 24 V,and a full-load voltage of 20 V at full-load current of 2A. Its output resistance & load regulation, respectiviely are

Q5. Crystal oscillators are superior to tuned LC oscillators mainly because of their,

Q6. Based on the operation of op amp and diodes, the below circuit is called as ________.

Q7. A zener diode voltage regulator has load requirement of 12 V and 2 Amp. The zener diode's minimum current requirement is 0.2 A. The minimum voltage at input is 24 V. What is maximum efficiency of circuit?

Q8. Which of the following is not necessarily the advantage of a push pull amplifier?

Q9. In a \(p^+ n\) junction diode under reverse bias, the magnitude of electric field is maximum at

Q10. By cascading low pass filter and high pass filter, the resulting circuit is