
Year 2025

Week # 4 Quiz 1

Q1. Which of the following logic family is fastest of all

Q2. 3 - phase voltage source inverter is operated in 180° conduction mode. Which one of the following statements is true?

Q3. A single phase full wave AC voltage controller has a resistive load of 10 Ω and the input voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. The delay angle of both the thyristors are \(45^\circ\). The input power factor is

Q4. A boost converter operating at duty cycle of 0.5 with input voltage of 100 V dc suppling a resistive load of 100 \(\Omega\). The input current of the buck converter will be,

Q5. A 220 V DC supply is connected to a DC chopper which is operating on TRC control mode at a frequecy of 5 kHz. When the output is 110 V, the ON and OFF period of each cycle are respectively

Q6. The 440V is applied to 3 phase AC to DC diode rectifier with resistive load circuit. The average dc voltage across the load will be ______V

Q7. A buck converter has input voltage of V, output voltage of \(V_O'\) inductance of L and it operates at frequency f, then the amplitude of ripple current is equal to

Q8. Circuit breaker used for over current protection of thyristor operates when the fault current is

Q9. Which is four terminals device?

Q10. A single phase semiconverter is feeding a highly inductive load and has freewheeling diode across the load. The waveshapes of output voltage and output current