
Year 2025

Week # 4 Quiz 2

Q1. What is the function of a VFD’s “auto-tuning”?

Q2. If a VFD is supplying a 3-phase motor with a voltage of 400V at a frequency of 50 Hz, what will be the voltage at 30 Hz assuming linear V/f control?

Q3. A single phase fully controlled dual converter uses _________ Thyristors.

Q4. Which semiconductor device acts like a diode and two transistors?

Q5. In case of a four quadrant converter, there should be

Q6. What is the term used to describe the process of converting DC to AC in a VFD?

Q7. DIAC and TRIAC both are semiconductor devices and conduct in

Q8. An ammeter is a

Q9. Tangent galvanometer is used to measure

Q10. An (0 V-100 V) MC voltmeter with an internal resistance of \(2\:\Omega\) is used to measure voltage of up to 200 V. The additional resistance to be connected in series with volmeter is \(_{-----------}\).