
Year 2025

Week # 4 Quiz 2

Q1. A 3 phase voltage source inverter with ideal devices operating in 180 degree conduction mode is feeding a balanced star-connected resistive load. If the input dc voltage is \(V_{dc}\) ,then the peak fundamental component of the phase voltage is___________,

Q2. Calculate the maximum voltage that can be safely blocked by the string shown in figure, if maximum allowable leakage current is 2 mA?

Q3. A power MOSFET has three terminals called_________.

Q4. If 'f' is the supply frequency, then in a 3-phase full converter, the output voltage pulsates at a frequency equal to _______.

Q5. In a step-up chopper circuit, if \(V_s\) is the source voltage and \(\alpha\) is duty cycle, then the output voltage is

Q6. A freewheeling diode is sometime connected in an inductive load circuit in a half wave rectifiers circuits___________.

Q7. In a thyristor, holding current is

Q8. In measurement system which of the following static characteristics are desirable ?

Q9. A thermistor is a

Q10. If an energy meter disc makes 10 revolutions in 100 seconds when a load of 500 W is connected to it, the meter constant is