
Year 2025

Week # 4 Quiz 5

Q1. First aid for electric shock victim is

Q2. Domestic electrical wiring is basically a

Q3. The purpose of choke in a fluorescent tube is

Q4. As per Indian Electricity rules 1956, the minimum clearance between 132 KV transmission line and grounf is about

Q5. The vertical angle between the projection of the Sun's rays on the horizonal plane and the direction of Sun's rays (passing through the point)

Q6. ________________ is the primary objective of the PM-KUSUM scheme?

Q7. The mass defect per nucleon is called

Q8. The temperature above which the ferromagnetic materials lose their magnetic properties is called

Q9. The change in refractive index of a material subjected to a steady magnetic field is called ..........................

Q10. Phonons(Quanta of lattice vibration) obey