
Year 2024

Week # 1 Quiz 1

Q1. Find the current through 3 \(\Omega\) resistor in the figure shown below

Q2. Find the current flowing through \(10\:\Omega\) load resistors shown in the given circuit, using Thevenin's theorem or Norton's theorem.

Q3. Five cells are connected in series in a row and then four such rows are connected in parallel to feed current to a resistive load of 1.25 \(\Omega\). Each cell has an emf of 1.5 V with internal resistance of 0.2 \(\Omega\). The current through the load will be

Q4. The reactance offered by a capacitor to alternating current of frequency 'f' is 10 ohm. If the frequency is made to operate at '2f', then the reactance becomes equal to_________________.

Q5. A d.c. source has an open-circuit voltage of 30 V and an internal resistance of 1.5 \(\Omega\). The maximum power dissipated across the load is________.

Q6. Determine the value of R in the circuit shown in the figure

Q7. An electric bulb rated 100 W, 230 Volt is connected to a 115 Volt supply. What will be the output of the bulb?

Q8. How many cells, each having an emf of 1.5 V and internal resistance of \(0.25\:\Omega\) would be required (connected in series) to pass a current of 1.5 A through a resistance of \(15\:\Omega\)?

Q9. If three capacitors each of 50 microfarad are connected in parallel, the resultant capacitance will be

Q10. As shown in the fig. a 1 ohm resistance is connected across a source that has a load line \(V + i = 100\). The current through the resistance is: