
Year 2024

Week # 3 Quiz 5

Q1. 10’s complement of \(536640\) is

Q2. The largest positive number that can be stored in a computer that has 8-bit word length and uses two’s complement arithmetic is

Q3. Binary equivalent of the decimal number 35 is :

Q4. The output of a JK flip-flop with asynchronous preset and clear input is '1'. The output can be changed to '0' with one of the following conditions.

Q5. The percentage resolution of a 10-bit A/D converter is nearly

Q6. The number of comparators required in parallel conversion type 8-bit A to D converter is

Q7. An 8 bit A/D convertor has a resolution of

Q8. JK flip-flop can be used as Toggle switch when

Q9. Which of the following memories is an optical memory?

Q10. Master salve is used to