
Year 2024

Week # 2 Quiz 4

Q1. A 3-phase transmission line operating at \(V_s = 400 kV\) and it's \(ABCD\) parameters \(A= D = 0.9∠0°, B = 100∠°90 \Omega, C = 0.6 \times 10^{-6}∠90° \mho\). Calculate the charging current under no load condition.

Q2. A 25-bus power system has 5 generator buses and 20 load buses. For the load flow analysis using Newton-Raphson method in polar coordinates, the size of the Jacobian matrix is ________.

Q3. In a power network, 400 kV is recorded at a 415 kV bus. A 50 MVAR, 415 kV shunt reactor is connected to the bus. What is the reactive power absorbed by the shunt reactor?

Q4. The incremental cost characteristics of two generators delivering \(200MW\) are as follows:
\(\frac{dF_1}{dP_1} = 2 + 0.01 \: P_1 \: and \: \frac{dF_2}{dP_2} = 1.6 + 0.02 \: P_2\), for economic operation, the generation \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) should be

Q5. For a given generator in economic operation mode, the incremental cost is given by \((0.022 P + 12) Rs/MWh, \frac{dP_L}{dP} = 0.18\) and plant panelty factor \(\lambda = 20\), then power generation is

Q6. A network containing 100 buses in which 10 are the voltage control buses, 5 are fixed shunt capacitor buses, 20 are the reactive power support buses, 6 are the generator buses. Find the size of the Jacobian matrix?

Q7. Two units in a thermal plant are operating with a minimum load of 50 MW each. Their incremental costs are :
\(IC_1 = 16 + 0.08 P_1 \: RS/MWh\)
\(IC_2 = 12 + 0.1 P_2 \: Rs/MWh\)
For most economic operation, how the total load of 130 MW will be shared?

Q8. A generator with 1.0 pu terminal voltage supplies power through a step up transformer of 0.12 pu reactance and a double circuit line each having reactance of 'x' pu to infinite bus bar. The infinite bus voltage is 1.0 pu. The steady state stability power limit of the system is 6.25 p.u. If one of the double-circuit is tripped, then resulting steady state stability power limit in p.u. will be

Q9. Calculate the protection trip time of the inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) overcurrent relay, according to IEC 60255 protection curves. Assume extremely inverse curve type, relay pickup current = 1kA, fault current = 10 kA and time-multiplier setting (TMS) = 1.

Q10. The bus admittance matrix \(Y_{bus}\) of a 100-bus interconnected system is 90% sparse. Hence, the number of transmission lines in the system is____________.