
Year 2024

Week # 3 Quiz 3

Q1.  In voltage divider bias, \(V_{CC} = 25\: V;\: R_1 = 10\: k\Omega;\: R_2 = 3.3 \: k\Omega; \:R_C = 2 \: k\Omega;\) and \(R_E =1\: k\Omega\). What is the collector current?

Q2.  In voltage divider bias, \(V_{CC} = 20\: V;\: R_1 = 10\: k\Omega;\: R_2 = 3.3 \: k\Omega; \:R_C = 3 \: k\Omega;\) and \(R_E =1.5\: k\Omega\). What is the emitter voltage?

Q3. In the circuit shown below, the knee current of the ideal zener diode is 10 mA. To maintain 5 V across \(R_L\), the minimum value of \(R_L\) in ohm and the maximum power rating of the zener diode in mW respectively are

Q4. In the differential voltage gain & the common mode voltage gain of a differential amplifierare 48db & 2db respectively, then its common mode rejection ratio is

Q5. Assuming that the diodes in the given circuit are ideal, the voltage \(V_o\) is ____V.

Q6. The maximum efficiency of a full wave rectification is

Q7. Introducing a resistor in the emitter of a common emitter amplifier stabilizes the dc operating point against variations in

Q8. The value of \(I_Z\) shown in the given circuit is_____________.

Q9. Which of the following is one of the resistance level in a diode, according to the applied signal?

Q10. In the operational transconductance amplifier, the transconductance is controlled by