
Year 2024

Week # 4 Quiz 1

Q1. 2's complement of a number is

Q2. The fully controlled thyristor converter in the figure is fed from a single phase source. When the firing angle is 0˚, the DC output voltage of the converter is 300 V. What will be the output voltage for firing angle of 60˚? (Assume continuous conduction) <br><br>

Q3. A single-phase full-wave uncontrolled bridge rectifier is supplying a highly inductive load (L/R ratio is very large), the load current is assumed to be smooth and ripple –free. If the supply voltage is 230V, 50Hz, and the inductor load resistance R = 20 \(\Omega\), Calculate the average output current.

Q4. A single phase half wave rectifier is feeding a resistive load. When  \(\alpha = 0\), dc output voltage is 134 V. When \(\alpha = 45°\), the dc output voltage will be about

Q5. If an SCR gate cathode characteristic is a straight line of 130 and allowable gate power dissipation of 0.7 W, then the gate voltage is ________.

Q6. A thyristor has thermal resistance is 1.8 °C/W and the maximum allowable internal power dissipation is 50 W. If the ambient temperature is 40 °C, the maximum allowable Junction temperature is

Q7. In current source inverter (CSI), if the frequency of voltage input to CSI is 'f' Hz, then the frequency of the output voltage is_____________Hz.

Q8. In HVAC systems, what is a common benefit of using a VFD?

Q9. For a single phase square wave inverter, what is the persentage of the third order harmonic component in relation to the fundamental component

Q10. Which of the following statements is true pertaining to the commutation of SCR?