
Year 2024

Week # 4 Quiz 3

Q1. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer:
Statement 1: The optical voltage transformer (OVT) measures the electric voltage by means of Peltier effect.
Statement 2: The magneto-optical current transformer (MOCT) measures the electric current by means of Faraday effect.

Q2. Wheastone's bridge is not preferred for precision measurement because of errors due to

Q3. The secondary of PT is generally designed for

Q4. What is the primary purpose of using an electrolytic process in electrochemical cells?

Q5. In Illumination, total lumens emitted by source / total lumens available after waste of light is equal to

Q6. Which gas is sometimes used in filament lamps ?

Q7. Which lamp is best suited for lighting an International sports arena?

Q8. If two vectors are orthogonal, then their scalar product is                     .

Q9. Laplacian of a vector is \(_{-------------}\) of gradient of its divergence and its curl of curl.

Q10. Calculate the value of ∮ H.dl, for the currents and closed path of figure