

Q11. Power Factor correcting element is generally connected in....

Q12. Electricity supply systems are invariably three-phase and they are so designed and loaded that the operation is

Q13. For a transmission line with resistance ‘R’ and reactance ‘X’ and negligible capacitance generalized constant ‘A’ is:

Q14. Bundled conductors are used in transmission lines in order to,

Q15. The inductance of a transmission line is minimum when

Q16. Which of the following is NOT an advantages of bundled conductor?

Q17. Skin effect depends on

Q18. The skin effect in conductor results in

Q19. A 1-phase transmission line has an impedance (3+4j) Ω . Find the power factor of the load for achieving maximum voltage regulation?

Q20. For a long distance HV transmission line the receiving end voltage under unloaded condition is