

Q61. In a 3 - phase system, the area of cross section of the neutral is generally

Q62. Distribution transformers star-point (neutral) grounding is

Q63. A single line diagram of a power system is shown in Fig. The elements of the \(Z_{bus}\) matrix are

Q64. The bus admittance matrix of a power system is not symmetrical when

Q65. A load bus with voltage support/control can be treated as ________

Q66. For a load flow solution the quantities specified at the load bus are

Q67. For stability reasons we operate the transmission line with power angle in the range

Q68. Steady state stability limit of unit occurs when power angle is …….degree.

Q69. If \(n_1\) is the refractive index of the core and \(n_2\) is the refractive index of the cladding, then the critical angle is given by

Q70. For the transient stability of a power system