

Q11. What is the other name of a Continuous Time Unit Impulse Function?

Q12. What is the rule \(h*x = x*h\) called?

Q13. What is the area of a Unit Impulse function?

Q14. State whether the integrator system is stable or not.

Q15. In the equation \(x (t) = b\:e^{at}\). If \(a < 0\), then it is called ______.

Q16. What is the Nyquist rate for a signal \(x(t)=3\cos(1000 \pi t)+43\sin(2000\pi t)\)?

Q17. If a signal f(t) has energy ‘E’, then the energy of the signal f(2t) is equal to ______.

Q18. The Laplace transform of \(e^{-4t} \cos(6t)\:u(t)\) is

Q19. The average value of the signal \(2 \cos 100t\) is

Q20. The system function \(N(s) = \frac{V(s)}{I(s)}=\frac{s+3}{4s + 5}.\) The system is initially at rest. If the excitation \(i(t)\) is a unit step, which of the following is the final value?