

Q21. Which of the following electrical circuits represents the lead compensator network ?

Q22. The value of 'K' for which the system \(s^3+3s^2+3s+1+k = 0 \) becomes unstable is

Q23. Which of the following is/are the example of actuator?

Q24. Given a unity feedback system with \(G(s) = \frac{k}{s(s+4)}\), the value of k for Damping Ratio of 0.5 is

Q25. For a second order system, natural frequency of oscillation is 10 rad/s and damping ratio is 0.1. What is the 2% settling time?

Q26. What is the open loop DC gain of a unity feedback control system having closed loop transfer function is \(\frac{(s+4)}{(s^2+7s+13)}\) ?

Q27. What is Control System?

Q28. A particular control system yielded a steady state error of 0.20 for unit step input. A unit integrator is cascaded to this system and unit ramp input is applied to this modified system. What is the value of steady-state error for this modified system?

Q29. The transient current in a series RLC circuit is oscillatory when__________.

Q30. Number of roots in left half of s-plane of the characteristic equation \(s^3– 4s^2 + s + 6 = 0\) is