

Q31. The step response of a system is \((1+e^{-3t})\). It is cascaded with another control block with impulse response of \(e^{-2t}\). The transfer function of the cascaded combination is

Q32. If the complex poles of a system have greater real parts, then the overshoot is

Q33. The frequency at which the phase versus frequency plot of the control system crosses \(-180^o\) line is known as:

Q34. The characteristic equation of the system is \(s^4+s^3-3s^2-s+2=0\), the system will be_____.

Q35. Which of the following is a closed loop system?

Q36. What is the overall transfer function \(\frac{C(s)}{R(s)}\) for the block diagram shown in figure:

Q37. A closed loop system is distinguished from open loop system by which of the following

Q38. Zero initial condition for a system means

Q39. Which of the following statements is correct for any closed loop system ?

Q40. Which of the following is the input to a controller ?